What type of products does Outdoor Living Today offer?
Outdoor Living Today sheds offers a wide range of outdoor products, including storage sheds, garden boxes, pergolas, garden gazebos, playhouses, and other outdoor structures designed to upgrade your outdoor space.
Do they offer any warranty on their products?
Yes, OLT believes in the quality of their products. They usually give a limited warranty, guaranteeing that their products are well-made and free from problems in materials and how they're put together. Make sure to check the warranty details for the product you buy to know what it covers and for how long.
Are their products weather-resistant?
Yes, their sheds and other products are made to handle different weather. They use good wood that naturally fights decay and bugs. Also, doing things like staining or sealing them right helps them last even longer against the weather.
Are the sheds customizable?
No, their wood shed kits are not customizable in terms of design. You can pick different sizes, from small to big sheds, or designs that include a shed floor kit and extras like windows and flower boxes but the design can not be changed.
How do they make sure their designs are eco-friendly?
OLT's designers use wood efficiently, make less waste, and reuse imperfect but strong pieces of wood. This helps use up every part of the wood log, which is good for the environment and sustainability.